
Calling all Arms ...

We are not trying to run this holiday theme into the dry summer ground, but we have some important information to impart and you need to look and you need to listen ...

Pay close attention to the exquisite quilting on this spectacular quilt. Some of the best a long-arm machine can do ... right? Wrong!! This beauty was (designed, embroidered and) quilted by our very own Claudia D., all on her personal Bernina at home using her very own, standard-sized arms. Now, Claudia is very good at what she does, but she believes that you too can do this kind of quilting ... in the comfort of your own home ... using your own extremities.

She also wants to teach you how she learned to do it. Claudia is now one of the featured teachers at Quilt Camp in the Pines in Flagstaff, Arizona and you can be one of her students. Visit http://www.QuiltCamp.com/ and sign up pronto. Then pack a few sweaters because it's cool and breezy in Flagstaff.

And goodness knows, you need to protect those arms!
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