
And ... speaking of PINK!

Three times a year we get a bunch of very generous people together to contribute to the cause of all things PINK. We make Breast Cancer Comfort Hearts ... hundreds of them at a sitting, to be delivered to women who are recovering from surgery. These hearts don't just comfort their hearts, they also provide fill a very practical purpose to aid in the physical healing.

These pictures are from our March 9th Comfort-A-Thon. Can you feel the love? Please join us next time around. (The date will be in our next newsletter.) Just call to let us know that you are coming and if you are bringing your sewing machine. Working kids are welcome.

Let's PINK it up!

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Unique in Pink

If you have been in the store and said to yourself "Wow, that pink bag is like nothing I've ever seen before!" then you are not alone.

We are the only ones carrying this splendid pattern by our friend Nancy Shamy. We also have the unusual jute that makes the bag so unique. And we have these just for ... you.

You pick the fabric. You make it your own. Then you can sit back and enjoy being at the head of the craft and fashion pack.

Go on. Admit it. "Elite" feels pretty good.
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The More the Mary-er!

If we had to list the one question that comes up more than any other, it would be this:

"What classes do you have for the beginning quilter?"

The truth is ... we have always had and will always have a plethora of such classes. But this time around we think we hit upon the perfect combination to take you from amateur status to pro in three perfect classes. You will also come away with a quilt that looks suspiciously like the one in the photo above ... a quilt that you have crafted personally from start to finish. Pay attention because the first of these is coming up this week and you need to be a-dialin'. Uh ... read first, then dial.

On this Thursday the 25th from 6-9 in the evening, Mary F. will teach Part One where you will learn rotary cutting, 1/4" seams, piecing and how to follow a pattern.

On Thursday, April 8th from 6-9, Mary L. will teach Part Two where you will learn how to assemble the quilt sandwich and learn some free-motion quilting.

On Thursday, April 22nd from 6-9, Mary S. will teach Part Three where you will learn how to bind your quilt and make a label for it.

Now that's a lot of learnin' and a lot of Mary(s) and a lot of fun.

You may now begin dialing.
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Iwana Keeps her Promise!

Here for your viewing pleasure are pictures of the new fabrics, as promised from the email today. (Not on our email list? Shame on you. Give us a call and correct that this instant!) Pictured above is "My Mind's Eye" by Riley Blake Designs. I swear this has been in the store less than a week. I realize you wouldn't know that because ...

... yep, Stephanie has already put together this boffo, bright quilt which is no longer just in her mind's eye -- it's alive and well for all to see.

These happy bolts are also from Riley Blake -- "Rainy Days and Mondays" to be exact. And contrary to popular belief they will never "get you down."*

Last but not least are these luscious beauties from Studio e, called "Gabrielle". You need to cut some of these up. Then, you'll have your work cut out for you.

* This is a reference to a Carpenter's song from the mid-70's. If you are too young to see that, then please give up your seat to someone who does.
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Let's get Take-Out tonight!!

These elegant, creative, and unusual cards can be yours to give (or keep, seriously, you might want to keep some) when ...

you combine your magical Bernina embroidery machine with this combo from Embroidery Take-Out.

Let's be honest, pizza in a cardboard box or some cold chow-mein noodles could never do this much for your social standing or your self esteem.

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Bee Ribboned

Step #1: Pick some ribbons ... any ribbons from the BC Tower O' Ribbons.

Step #2: Sign up for Diane's B-Ribboned BC Bag this Friday, March 12 from 10-2.

Step #3: Gloat.

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Definitely worth more than two in a bush ...

Take a look at this book!

It's not just any book. It's Renee Plains' new book ... hot off the presses and on our book racks.

Renee is a local designer who is known, well, just about everywhere. Her work is authentic and comforting and for beginners and long-timers alike.

And please ... birds ... don't you just love 'em??

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