Remember when I told you here how we had this great system of three classes to teach first time quilters how to do it all and to do it well? Remember how funny it was that the teachers for all three classes were named Mary? Remember how you didn't think that was quite as funny as we did?
Anyhow, our first group has finished their first quilt and these are the first pictures of their fabulous work. In the top pic we have Becky, who is young enough that she doesn't automatically go to the standard cover-my-face-with-my-quilt pose.
The next two pictures are of Karen's quilt with some highlights on her quilted stars. Let's go so far as to say they were all stars.
Last but not least is Gloria who apparently didn't feel self-concious about the fingers on her right hand. She too can move to the head of the class with the others with her gorgeous work.
We are very, very proud of our little group (and several others who couldn't make it to the final class). You too can have this kind of success and have your quilt photographed for posterity. Take a look at our next newsletter which will be in your hot little hands* in just a few weeks, to sign up for our next session.
*Your soon-to-be-famous hands.