
Iwana Keeps her Promise!

Here for your viewing pleasure are pictures of the new fabrics, as promised from the email today. (Not on our email list? Shame on you. Give us a call and correct that this instant!) Pictured above is "My Mind's Eye" by Riley Blake Designs. I swear this has been in the store less than a week. I realize you wouldn't know that because ...

... yep, Stephanie has already put together this boffo, bright quilt which is no longer just in her mind's eye -- it's alive and well for all to see.

These happy bolts are also from Riley Blake -- "Rainy Days and Mondays" to be exact. And contrary to popular belief they will never "get you down."*

Last but not least are these luscious beauties from Studio e, called "Gabrielle". You need to cut some of these up. Then, you'll have your work cut out for you.

* This is a reference to a Carpenter's song from the mid-70's. If you are too young to see that, then please give up your seat to someone who does.
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