
Fabric. Is. Fun.

Take a look at these four darlings with their Happy Halloween Pillowcases. These four just happen to be the precious grandbabies of our precious Val. The story goes that the kids had been a little taken back by the uber scary versions that are often purchased, because there simply isn't a big choice. Val knew there were endless choices when you purchase some fun/spooky fabric (at Bernina Connection ... naturally) and make your own.

The best part of the story is that when she made pillowcases for the local grandkids ... and they heard that the distant ones were visiting ... the children helped sew their cousins some look alike pillowcases.

Are you underestimating what your young ones can create??

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Ummmm .... Classy

Maybe you were one of those who just now made it back to the Valley of the Sun because you feared the AZ summer sun and therefore could not be here for a class. Or maybe you just chose to stay inside and couldn't make it to one of our many colorful offerings. Either way ... you probably won't make that mistake again.

The bag pictured above is the "Ripple Purse" taught by the infamous Bag Lady herself, Sandee S. She can take what you use to haul around far more than you should and make it tres chic and very of-the-moment.

This pillow above was taught as part of our Sew Fundamental series taught by Mary F. and Cecile. If you are a new-ish sewer then you are going to want to be a part of this series the next time it comes around ... and it will. Kate G. took the class and her lovely daughter, incidently, is modeling the "Knotty Basket" ... another class taught by our own Diane E.

Which, oddly enough, can also serve as an actual ... basket.

If you were not able to take part of one of our classes this summer ... well ... we missed you.

If you were able to take some ... we thank you from the bottom of our colorful hearts.

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