Button, button ...
Who has the most buttons?
Who has the most unusual buttons? Who has the most colorful buttons?
Um ...that would be us.
Button, button ...
Who has the most buttons?
Who has the most unusual buttons? Who has the most colorful buttons?
Um ...that would be us.
This is the very quilt that won the Grand Prize for quilts at Bernina University.
This is the very quilt that is hanging at Bernina Connection for you to see with your very own eyes (but not to touch with your very own hands.)
And no ... a moment of silence would not be inappropriate.
Thanks for doing us proud Mary, and thanks for showing us that we too can learn some skills beyond our wildest imaginations.
Do you feel like you are hangin' by a thread in this heat?
Then ... duh ... come on in and get some new thread.
We have a few choices.
Seriously, we do.
The Rick Rack Challenge is up and ready to be viewed and voted upon. If you were ever uncertain as to the need for Rick Rack in your life, that is about to change. Just take a gander at these varied, dazzling beauties.
We have rick rack on this quilt with authentic 1940s usage.
Can you see the rick rack here? Look closely at this exquisite purse and see how several trims create a new trim, when ribbon and rick rack combine as one.
This beautiful floral quilt will soon be auctioned off for Breast Cancer Research.
It is stunning. It is expertly pieced and quilted. It is for a very good cause.
We whipped up this lovely pink label on the store's Bernina 830.
We love pink.
Feelin' a bit peaked from the heat are you?
Come in for some color. You won't be disappointed.
I promise.