If the Quilt Police do exist, they need to hear about this ...
Do these people never sleep? You may recognize Mary's pattern as the same one in her O My Stars! quilt (to be taught on April 10th from 10-2) and since Claudia is stepping in for her friend Sandee to teach the Zip 'n Go Tote Bag this Saturday from 10-4, she decided to make her own sample. I would be more angry/jealous if they weren't both so darned cute.
Brightening my spirits are these lovely batiks from Avlyn. In just one cut of fabric you get several different options. The possibilities for using them are endless and I have no doubt that someone from the store will do just that.
Check back in a couple of minutes.
Sunglasses: Optional
Here, as promised is the entire line of "Gerta" by Marcia Derse (for Troy's Riverwoods Collection) in all of it's glory.
The colors ... the simple yet intriguing patterns ... the fabriliciousness of it all ...
You know you want some.
Go ahead and just admit it.
What's green and black and bright all over?
... JOY. Seriously, you cannot deny the absolute joy on her face and just want to absorb some for yourself.
Oh, go ahead. Lovella has quite enough to spread around. Now take some time to reflect upon your first quilt and drop us a comment about it so that we can feel some of your joy too.
Aaah ... first love. Ain't it grand??
Through the Looking Glass
In the email a couple of weeks ago, I asked you to drive by the store and see our fabulous new window decor. Since then I have worried that traffic jams may have been instigated as a result of my advice. In the name of highway safety, I offer forth this picture.
Diane's daughter Allison did all the exquisite art work ... including designing a font just for us. And that's just part of what we mean by "State of the art FUN!"
Feel free to come in and participate in the revelrie on the other side of the glass.
With love,
We're Baaaaaaaaccccckkk!!!!
Please get over the fact that this is not only two years past our last post, but also in an entirely separate decade. We're over it and you can be too. But we want the word out that we are hip and happenin' and we are a blogging machine. The picture above is of a sewing machine, just in case you were confused.
We sell sewing machines and a whole lot of other magical stuff.
Stop by and see us in the store and please stop by our blog and leave us a comment. We love, love, love your comments. We live for your comments.
We are sorry we took so long to join this party. Now ... let's celebrate!
Love, Iwana